The photographer records his proposal by accident, looking for a couple | Overseas


The photo was taken on October 6th from the "Taft point". After the photographer takes the picture, the couple hugged each other. Dippel concludes that the proposal has probably become positive, reported CNN

. Closeup of the image in question.

Closeup of the image in question.

Matt Dippel [19659005] At first, Dippel wanted to photograph his friend with whom he was traveling. When he saw the couple, he decided to immortalize them on the sensitive plate. The photographer was determined to find the couple back home.

The Lovebirds wanted

He decided not only to carry out research, that's why Dippel has placed the corresponding photo on various social media channels. "Ok, I need your help, help me find those two," he writes with the picture. "I would like to send them the photo because it's a cool copy of a special moment," he adds.

After many reactions and several pictures of potential candidates, the doves have not been found yet.

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