The Polish Government PiS party on the benefits of the provincial elections


According to exit polls, the conservative national government party Law and Justice (PiS) won Sunday the Polish provincial elections, with a result below expectations. Moreover, the liberal opposition has proved the strongest in most major cities, including the capital Warsaw.

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With 32% of the votes in all the provincial councils, the PiS has been postponed to 2014, an acceleration of European and legislative elections in 2019, found the PiS party chairman, Jaroslaw Kaczynski. "We won," he said Sunday night during a speech to party members.

Although the PiS thwarted the European Commission and the liberal Poles by filling the courts of loyalists, the party also joined many voters in raising social spending and reducing the retirement age.

Profit of the Liberal Opposition Party

But, despite its spectacular scores, the PiS remained in the national polls and was less successful in the first round of municipal and municipal elections, the result is less clear. In Warsaw, Rafal Trzaskowski, a candidate of the Liberal opposition party, won with 54% of the vote according to the results of the poll. This would make a second round superfluous and would be a major setback for PiS, which has invested substantial resources in the capital's campaign.

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