The storm continues through Flanders: Kennedytunnel under …


There were heavy storms on our country on Thursday night. In particular, parts of the provinces of Antwerp and the provinces of Flemish Brabant were flooded. Previously, the Zaventem airport had been closed for some time by a local storm.

In the Kennedy Tunnel in Antwerp, there was up to 20 centimeters of water in both directions. Anyone wishing to go to the Netherlands could therefore have only one way. In the direction of Ghent, branches were taken to Linkeroever on the highway. Firefighters had to remove it and have closed two lanes. A number of minor accidents have occurred in and around the tunnel. Meanwhile, the situation is gradually restored, confirms a spokesman for the federal police on his side brother Het Nieuwsblad .

Trees felled

Lice also opened completely in Flemish Brabant. For example, the fire department in West Flemish Brabant has already received thirty calls for cellars and flooded streets. But gusts have also caused the fall of many branches or small trees on the surface. The Woluwelaan in Machelen had to be closed for a while because the sewers could not swallow the water.

Brussels AIrport

After Thursday afternoon, the south-east of our country had to face heavy rains. turn. Among other things, East of Brussels had the full coat, which meant, for example, that all activities of Brussels Airport had to be closed for a while.

Forty minutes later, the airport announced that he was allowed to restart everything. In the meantime, dozens of flights were delayed

Elsewhere in Brussels, Georges Henri, Montgomery and Vleurgatunnel had to be closed by rain. According to the information website Bruzz Brussels firefighters are also overwhelmed by phone calls from individuals

Yellow Code

Earlier in the day, the RMI had warned of storms . "Because of the dry soil, the amount of precipitation can cause problems," he said. The yellow code came into effect. The Flemish emergency number 1722 has also been activated to cope with floods without resorting to the medical emergency line 112. If you want to closely monitor where the lightning is, you can follow up to the flash page of Noodweer Benelux

  Storm continues through Flanders: Kennedytunnel under water

Here you can see where and when the yellow code begins.

Photo: KMI

"Hail with a diameter of one to three centimeters is one of the options. This is why we also want to warn of the dangers of this phenomenon, "says weather experts from Noodweer Benelux. "In a well-developed storm, gusts of wind are also possible."

What to expect in the next days

Friday night and night, it changes everywhere in a heavy cloud, with a chance of rain and thunder. In the east of the country, it waits until the end of the night before a drop of rain falls. It remains soft, with minimums up to 23 °.

The weekend is a little cooler. Saturday the KMI temporarily awaits a lot of clouds and rain or thunderstorms, although in the afternoon there will be clearings of the coast. The maxima are between 22 and 27 °, with a rather strong wind at sea. Sunday again dry with clearings, with maxima between 22 and 27 °

Beginning of the week next mostly cloudy but dry, although there is a chance of a local storm. It remains warm, with maxima between 25 and 30 °. Wednesday still a lot of sun, from Thursday may be a little warmer with maxims against the 30 ° in the center.


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