The tax and customs administration violates the law on privacy using BSN in the VAT number zzp ers | NOW


This is reported by the Dutch Data Protection Authority (PA) on the basis of research. The watchdog has assessed the tax authorities' policy against the AVG, the new European privacy law that came into effect on May 25th.

Sole proprietors, such as freelancers, receive a special VAT number for communications with tax authorities. This number consists in part of the personal BSN, which is intended for communication with the government.

The Dutch Data Protection Authority announces that the Tax and Customs Administration must stop using the BSN for the VAT number as soon as possible. "As quickly as possible is really as fast as possible," says Pauline Gras of the privacy protection authority.

"We assume that the tax authorities will also adjust their policy as soon as possible, but also realize that this is not the case … Overnight, we are in the middle of a fiscal year and I am Imagine that the tax authorities will not be able to adjust the numbers suddenly. "

The tax authorities therefore have until 1 January 2019 to use this number. the organization does not do this, the watchdog can act.For example, the PA may impose a treatment ban or impose a fine.The spokesman of the AP could not yet say on what a fine could to be based.


"The VAT number is in the capillaries of the tax and customs systems", explains Erik Jeene, spokesman of the Dutch tax authorities., against "The administration Taxation and Customs now technically assesses the system of substitution that she can use. "

It is not yet possible to say whether the tax authorities can meet the deadline of 1 January. "This is not the intention, it's a technically complicated story and it's not going to be easy," says Jeene.

The spokesman of the AP Bold points out that the tax office, in case the organization will not do it on Jan. 1, should justify why this is the case. The tax office will inform the House of Representatives about alternative systems after the summer


Because the BSN is tied to a person, the number is vulnerable to abuse. For example, malicious people who get the BSN from someone else can use the number for identity fraud.

Owners of a sole proprietorship are required to make their VAT number public on their website. Self-employed persons with a sole proprietorship can not therefore protect their BSN, according to the Dutch Data Protection Authority

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