SpaceX has revealed where the car containing Starman

is located On Twitter, the space company has released an image showing the current location of Starman – the "pilot" of the bright red Tesla launched in February – indicated. It can be seen that the car has now passed the orbit of Mars

In the tweet, SpaceX says that the car is en route to the restaurant at the end of the day. ;universe. It is a playful reference to the eponymous book that is part of the series of the hitchhiker on the galaxy written by Douglas Adams. SpaceX boss Elon Musk is a big fan of Adams and does not hide it. For example, on the dashboard of the Roadster currently flying in our solar system, he had the words " do not panic ". This message is on the cover of the galactic hitchhiker guide of the galaxy .

Falcon Heavy
The Tesla Roadster – containing a manikin named "Starman" – was released in February this year. The red car came up on the first test flight of the SpaceX Falcon Heavy. The idea was that the car would settle around the sun and encircling it for thousands of years.

Shortly after the launch, some confusion arose about the runway on which the Roadster was installed; Musk suggested on Twitter that the car would miss its target and even land in the asteroid belt. Soon, it became clear that it was not quite right, but that the car would shave beyond the orbit of Mars. And that has now happened.

… there was no warranty on the car just two weeks after the launch of the Tesla Roadster? Read here exactly how it is! This guarantee would be useful, is indisputable. Because here you can read that the Roadster is going through a difficult time in space.