The two-star pork is more luxurious, but bacon is much more expensive


For ten years, supermarkets have been selling meat with the star of Animal Protection's Beter Leven quality seal. More than 800 farmers provide chicken fillets, hamburgers and bacon patties. But this week, the animal rights organization has a first: a farmer produces pork with two stars.

The pig farmer Annechien ten Have of Beerta Groningen was the first to build a pigsty under the strict criteria of the Protection of animals. An investment of millions of euros. "Yes, it's very exciting for her, she has craned her neck and the question is whether the consumer chooses this meat with two stars," said director Co Admiraal van de Dierenbescherming [19659002] living space for pigs. They can go out and have a lot of straw. "Pigs can root, there's just a lot more to experiment than in a one-star stable," says Ten Have. "And we do not castrate the males either and they can all keep the tail of their hair."


Pig farmers want to recover investments and customers from supermarkets such as Plus, Poiesz, Hoogvliet and Deen. Because the two-star meat is much more expensive than the variant to a star

Supermarket Plus, for example, reports that a kilo of bacon bacon with a star costs 7.49 euros. For comparable snacks, two stars or two stars, the consumer must pay € 10.90 at checkout. That's 45% more.

Admiraal: "We need a lot of courage for what Ten Have did and we, citizens, are ready now, if we eat less meat but consciously choose animal meat. better, then we will do well. "

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