The young people in the synod, who had become accustomed to bishops


Pope Francis also regularly participated in the meetings. He loves synods. Francis wants to initiate a cultural change within the church. He hopes that bishops from all countries of the world church will meet to discuss the practical reality of today. And to decide together how to solve it.

Francis had already organized two synods on the family. He wants the bishops to listen to each other and address ordinary believers. They were married couples at previous synods and this time young people.

According to the pope, the same European Church and the one run by a church must considerably decentralize. Bishops must be more empowered to adapt pastoral care to the needs of their followers at the local level, entirely within the framework of the doctrine. Because what may be important for Western youth, such as homosexuality or gender, is less in other parts of the world.

For example, poverty, migration, war, and social injustice are at the top. The bishops, the pope believes, must be active shepherds who listen carefully to their sheep, understand them and provide them with good advice. ] [ad_2]
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