Theresa May: "Brexit is at stake"


According to British Prime Minister Theresa May, a boycott of her Brexit strategy could jeopardize the planned exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union. "We must keep the goal in mind, otherwise we run the risk of being left without any brexit" The Conservative chairman wrote a guest contribution in the Sunday Mail newspaper.

No Practical Alternative [19659003] May says that she is aware of the concerns of several members of her party about her course, but that she has not yet heard "practical alternatives" It is therefore necessary to be "practical and pragmatic" and its brexit strategy

Nearly nine months before the exit of the European Union on March 29, 2019, the May government is experiencing a deep crisis. His party's Brexit supporters oppose the Prime Minister's new orientation, which aims for a less brutal exit from the EU. Brexit Minister David Davis and Foreign Minister Boris Johnson have rallied behind this new strategy.

No wishlist

In her contribution to the Sunday paper, May writes that she has a negotiating position bitter with Brussels. His white paper is "not a long wish list, which negotiators can choose at their own discretion. It's a comprehensive plan with a series of conclusions that can not be negotiated. "

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