Thieves come back later on the trader's advice


In the Belgian city of Montignies-Sur Sambre, near Charleroi, a robbery took place in a very particular way. The six authors tried to deceive the owner of an electronic cigarette scoop, but were confronted by a brave shopkeeper. He suggested that it would be best if the authors come back later because there would be more money in the cash register. "You do not fly at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, it's the same as a newspaper shop went down at 5 am You must overtake me at around 6:30 pm. Then you can easily get 1,000 euros or more "according to Didier, the trader.

Didier tells Nieuwsblad that two of the six authors withdrew their jerseys to show their weapons, and that at the time of the robbery, no customer was present in the store.

Not so crazy

After the thieves' departure, Didier warned the police. To the police, they thought thieves would not be crazy to come back, but they were wrong.

The band returned in the evening. Even before the last sum of money was removed from the cash drawer, the police were already there. One thief was immediately arrested on the spot, the other five took off, but could be arrested later. A minor was also present among them.

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