This is Marcel Boekhoorn, the new owner of HEMA | Now


HEMA is acquired by Ramphastos Investments, Marcel Boekhoorn's investment company – one of the most famous and prominent entrepreneurs in the Netherlands

Boekhoorn is part of a large number of Dutch companies

. Boekhoorn begins his career as a chartered accountant soon begins to acquire (and sell) interests in companies. He takes his first profit from the cigar box manufacturer Picus, but his first real success is Bakker Bart, sold for 350 million florins in 1999.

This is certainly not his biggest contract; this comes with the sale of telephone operator Telfort, sold to KPN for nearly one billion. There is about half a billion left in Boekhoorn.

It seems that Boekhoorn can profit from this success. One of his first companies called Bowolar, which would mean "Boekhoorn becomes a laughingstock". Boekhoorn is currently on the nineteen for an estimated capacity of 1.1 billion euros in the list of wealthy people, quote 500.

All does not turn out to be a success

All can not always succeed. Boekhoorn places millions of dollars in the free newspaper De Pers which has to compete Spits and Metro . The newspaper is popular with readers, less advertisers. The card will be withdrawn in 2012.

Boekhoorn has a relationship with animals

This entrepreneur, known for his love of animals, also owns the Ouwehands Dierenpark in Utrecht Rhenen. His biggest win in this field is in 2017 when he takes the two giant pandas Xing Ya and Wu Wen to his animal park. Pandas are not bought, but can not be rented to China and should be considered a political gift. Cost: 7 million euros

"Today, a dream comes true," says Boekhoorn the day of the pandas' arrival. "That we can present these two giant pandas: a man and a woman, a dream couple."

He supports NEC, also financially

Born Nijmegen is a fan of NEC since his youth. He is now one of the biggest donors of the club. He has his own box at Goffert Stadium, where he oversees most of the club's home games.

Boekhoorn also has a relationship with professional football in the relational field. Boekhoorn has a relationship with Rebecca Cabau van Kasbergen, the sister of Yolanthe Sneijder Cabau; ex-international Wesley Sneijder is his brother-in-law.

It does not always work well During the HEMA press conference, he reported that he was struggling a bit, injury that he had suffered when he had tried to steal Sneijder during a family outing. .

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