This is Robyn Denholm, the new president of Tesla | Now


Financial expert Robyn Denholm has been a director since 2014, but also became chairman of Tesla. For three years, she will replace Elon Musk, who was trapped by the SEC supervisor because of "misleading" tweets. We already know Musk, but who is Denholm?

The images of the new president are rare, but she has made herself known since 1996 to various large companies. In addition to being an Australian citizen, she also has experience in the automotive and technology sectors.

She held financial positions for seven years at Toyota's Australian branch and nine years at Juniper Networks. which manufactures network equipment


  • 1985 – Master of Economics, University of Sydney
  • 1989 – 1996 – Various positions in Financial Management, Toyota
  • 1999 – Master of Commerce, University of New South Wales (Australia) [19659006] 1996 – 2007 – including senior vice president of Sun Microsystems
  • 2007 – 2016 – Chief Financial Officer, Juniper Networks

Denholm is also affiliated with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of the United States. Australia has a BA in Economics and MA in Australian Universities

Starting in early 2017, she was Chief Operating Officer of Australia's largest telecommunications company, Telstra. She is leaving her position now that she will be concentrating entirely on her tasks at Tesla.

Tweets that have big consequences

Musk announces Thursday via Twitter that he is eager to work with "Robyn" as he calls his successor amicably. The same media has in fact put the co-founder of Tesla in trouble, so he must now temporarily leave his role as president.

In early August, Musk had tweeted that he was considering removing Tesla from the stock market at $ 420 per share. "The funding is round," he adds. Striking, if only because its share in the $ 360 stock market was at a much lower rate.

Musk does not hide his hatred for so-called short sellers – stock traders who are banking on falling prices. They would write stories to blacken Tesla, so the company would continue and could reap the benefits.

Musk claims that about ten days after his tweet in an interview The New York Times . This is an important reason for him to seek to leave the stock market.

$ 20 million fine

The US regulator of the US stock market SEC pulls a week after the tweet, because Musk's claim would be "false and misleading". . It is unlikely that Tesla actually has the money needed to get out of the stock market

The case is brought before the judge, who secures the SEC. Musk agrees with the regulator that he must pay a $ 20 million fine and that he will resign for three years.

Musk sees a worthy replacement for Denholm. "She has made significant contributions over the past four years as a member of Tesla's board of directors and has helped us become profitable," he wrote in a press release.

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