This way, you remove unwanted applications from Windows 10


Microsoft has finally begun to make it possible to remove standard included applications. Unfortunately, it will take some time for this feature to be available to everyone. Do not you want to wait and would you like to remove these annoying apps? You can do this if you want to open the box and use PowerShell.

Many built-in applications (Microsoft built-in applications such as Money, Sport, Weather, Xbox, OneNote, 3D Builder, etc.) can not be deleted via & # 39; Applications and parts ». Fortunately, PowerShell offers a solution to remove this software, such as Maps, Groove Music or Sport, from all related profiles.

Unlinking vs. remove

Note that the software remains in the machine, but you never stumble again. Do you want to completely remove apps, even if they do not take up much space? We will do this later in this tutorial using the Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) service via PowerShell. Before making such drastic changes, first make sure that you have a good backup or image, in case you are too enthusiastic about erasing.

PowerShell has some built-in commands (Cmdlets) that execute specific configuration commands in Windows. It's relatively easy to learn and apply even if you've never touched PowerShell with a finger. We use AppInstallation cmdlets for this tutorial, such as Get and Remove.

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