Thomsen names ten players for EK handball in France Now


The national coach of the Dutch handball players, Helle Thomsen, has already appointed ten players for the European Championships in Montbéliard, France, in early December

Thomsen chooses the other six internationals at the A period of training at Sportcentrum Papendal in Arnhem, in the lead-up to the European Championships.

The ten players selected for the European Championship are: Lois Abbingh, Debbie Bont, Kelly Dulfer, Nycke Groot, Laura van der Heijden, Angela Malestein, Estavana Polman, Martine Smeets, Danick Snelder and Tess Wester.

Thomsen invites beginner training course on November 19th totaling 22 players. They will play a training match against Angola two days later, in Eindhoven on November 21st.

The Netherlands against Hungary, Spain and Croatia

In any case, Yvette Broch will be absent. In August, at the age of 27, the woman in circles gave reason to her career because she was exhausted physically and mentally.

The Netherlands play at the European Championships in group stage against Hungary, Spain and Croatia. The top three countries in each group qualify for the next round.

The Dutch won the silver medal at the last European Championships two years ago in Sweden. An annoying final was narrowly beaten by Norway, 30-29.


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