Thousands of people travel from Honduras to the United States, stop?


Despite the measures and hard language of the American president, more and more refugees are successfully returning to the US border. According to unpublished data held by the Washington Post, 100,000 people were arrested at the US-Mexico border last year. That's 30,000 more than at the previous summit in 2016.

The question is whether Trump's pressure is helping, as Mexico has been trying for years to reduce the flow of refugees from the south. Since 2015, Mexico has deported more people to Central America and South America than the United States. "It has already begun under President Obama," said Bessems. "At the time, the United States put a lot of pressure on Mexico to better protect their southern borders, and since then they have become more active in this area: there are patrols, roadblocks and roadblocks. Important research of illegal immigrants, who are only returning to the border … helped. "

Yet you also expect a" hellish journey "if you have not stopped in Mexico, says Bessems. Because there are other threats along the way. "Then there is a good chance that you will be attacked, raped or even killed." To reduce the risks, refugees prefer to travel in groups. Then they are safer.

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