Three Bahraini opposition leaders sentenced to life imprisonment Now


A Bahraini judge on Sunday sentenced three opposition leaders to life imprisonment for spying for Qatar. He thus canceled a previous acquittal on appeal.

The human rights organization Amnesty International described the verdict as a "caricature of jurisprudence".

His soul mates Hassan Sultan and Ali Alaswad must go to the cell to transmit confidential information and receive financial assistance from Qatar.

In June, they were acquitted at first instance. It was a rare victory for opponents of the Sunni regime in Bahrain, backed by Saudi Arabia.

Sultan and Alaswad were sentenced in absentia. Salman is already serving a four-year sentence for inciting hatred and insulting the Interior Ministry. He was arrested in 2015.

Al-Wefaq has close ties with the Shiite majority in the country and is engaged in social and democratic reforms.

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