These are three lions, a bear, a zebra, a fox, a waterbuck, a red deer and three deer. "What we saw was shocking," says veterinarian Marc Gölkel. "Small dirty concrete cages with neglected animals.The left eye of the Lenci lion must be treated urgently and Dushi, the three-legged bear, is emaciated and has obvious behavioral disorders."
A zebra is dead
The zebra did not have the rescue action. survived. "Anesthesia and transport are the zebra, which had already been greatly weakened, unfortunately too much, and we find it awful not being able to help this poor animal," says Dr. Gölkel.
"It smells bad"
Barbara van Genne of the foundation was present during the action. The owner of the zoo was angry, she says. "There was a lot of screaming, but in the end he helped, especially because we cut the locks of the cages, and that they are expensive."
According to Van Genne, the conditions in the zoo are horrible. "It smells very bad here and the cages of the animals are completely rusty, a lot of animals have serious problems, and if we had not intervened, the misery would have done that only. increase."
'The worst zoo in Europe & # 39;
The zoo since 2015 in the holes, but could not do anything because the zoo papers were in order. "In the meantime, the authorizations have expired and the zoo's photographs provoked a worldwide uproar: in the media, the zoo was quickly described as" the worst zoo in Europe "and" the zoo of hell " "The Albanian authorities took part in the action.It is open, but the owner no longer has the right to keep wild animals
The animals are now transferred to a temporary place to Tirana, the capital of Albania, and the three lions eventually arrive in the Netherlands, and the big cats of the Frisian Nijeberkoop then take care of the animals.
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