Three young Gelderland nominated for the prestigious Photo Award


Three young Gelderland have the chance to win one of the prizes of the biggest nature photo contest in the Netherlands in the category of public prizes. They are among the nominees of the prestigious WWF French Lanting photo award.

It is Bent van Alfen (11 years old) from Ede, Sem Rijnhout (15 years old) from Apeldoorn and Jasper Raijmakers (17 years old) from Bemmel.

A jury chaired by photographer and nature ambassador Frans Lanting, 30 nature photos nominated in three age categories. Among the nominees are these three young Guelders

Images with a story

All the candidates tell a story with their picture. This is how Bent wants to show that there is also wild life in the city. "I like the appearance of the gull in such a busy city. The day he took this picture, Sem took 50 pictures. It really took off. "A little sun, a landscape in the background and you can see the nose hair in the sunlight, it's really special!"

Jasper reports that sea turtles were very focused on food and did not care about the waves. "I myself have been dragged into gigantic."

(the text continues under the photos)

Bent van Alfen, 11 years old, from Ede is nominated with this photo "Wild in the City".

Sem Rijnhout of Apeldoorn, 15 years old, is named with this picture "Hubertus".

The third young Gelderland candidate is Jasper Raijmakers (17) from Bemmel with the photo 'Waiting for the next wave'. & # 39;

& # 39; Nature is everywhere …

The president of the jury, Frans Lanting, is very satisfied with the quality of the photos submitted this year. & # 39; What talent and what beautiful photos have been submitted. It's a pleasure to browse all the submissions. It does not matter that it is about pictures taken from far or near in the Netherlands because nature is everywhere. "With the photo contest, Lanting hopes to inspire others for nature photography and thus stimulate respect for nature.


The jury is composed of the model, actress and photographer Kim Feenstra, the ambassador of WWF Humberto Tan, internationally renowned nature photographer Jasper Doest and of course Frans Lanting Marieke Wiegel is also a member of the jury of the Nederlands Fotomuseum and the jury members examined the results and the history of the event. image


Since Thursday, the public has been able to vote for one of the nominations for the Public Prize.The award ceremony will take place on December 9th at the Dutch Photo Museum in Rotterdam.

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