Three youtubers died at the fall of the waterfall in Canada


On social media, we are shocked to see the death of three youtubers in Canada. The three vloggers, Ryker Gamble, Alexey Lyakh and Megan Scraper, were killed Tuesday in western Canada when they fell from a waterfall.

Under the High On Life YouTube, Instagram and Facebook posts, where Trio made traveling videos, it's raining condolences.

Youtubers were known for their adventurous travel videos, for which they visited countries all over the world and regularly jumped rocks or dipped in water from a great height. The Instagram account of High On Life has more than a million followers. On YouTube, 500,000 people will follow the youtubers of travel

Waterfall cascade

The trio swam Tuesday in an upper part of the waterfall Shannon Falls. One of them, Scraper according to the Vancouver Sun, slipped and found himself in swirling water. Lyakh and Gamble tried to save her, after which they all fell thirty meters lower in the lower part of the waterfall

Today, the friends of the youtubers launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise $ 100,000 for the families of the victims. Thousands of dollars were donated in one day.

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