Tight atmosphere between Trump and his allies at the NATO summit NOW


"NATO countries must pay more, the United States must pay less" Very unfair ", tweeted Trump before leaving for Brussels

Trump has already set the summit in June by the allies in a letter, in the hands of The New York Times, to warn that defense budgets should increase.Trump loses his patience, the warning went out

NATO Standard

Trump is not the first US president to worry that defense spending by the majority of partners is lagging behind.The Americans have for some time felt that the other allies should contribute more.

In 2014, under the leadership of the Obama administration, it was agreed at the NATO summit in Wales that defense budgets would increase. directly, it is allowed gradually.The agreement aims at this that 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) is spent on defense by 2024.

The agreements were concluded when Russia annexed Crimea and IS was up. The conscience of the European partners has also declined that investments should be made in defense after years of austerity measures. Not only because the Americans want it, but also because of the evolution of the world order

From Wales, the spending of the European partners and of Canada increased, according to the figures of NATO. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also pointed out that of the 29 countries this year, eight will reach the standard. "In 2014, there were three other allies," he told Politico .

The trend for more investment had already been made in 2014 and Stoltenberg was referring to the agreement that the two-step goal should be in 2024. NATO n & # 39; Is not there yet, but the road has started


But Trump does not take a lot of these numbers. The US president insists on the NATO standard as it was a promise that should have been held yesterday.

However, diplomats involved in the Wales agreements claim that the target is a target. The double standard was never intended to deal with allies, they say The Washington Post .

Moreover, it is also what a country does for NATO, say those of the Dutch delegation in Brussels. With 1.35%, the Netherlands are below the NATO average of 1.47%, while Americans spend 3.5%. In the Netherlands, it is emphasized that this is not just the amount you spend on defense. Where other allies might reach the norm, for example, they contribute less to missions.

Commercial War

The message Trump repeats is that partners must immediately increase their spending. What is new in his advocacy is the link he establishes between defense and trade.

Trump threatened the EU with a trade war with corresponding import rights. Trump is of the opinion that the United States is paying for the security of Europe, while the European Union would make it difficult for Americans to do business in the EU.

In the letter Trump sent to NATO a week ago, he threatened to reduce the number of US troops in Europe. Especially in Germany


Trump's latest threats have been received with skepticism and increasing irritation in Europe. "Europe is now spending more on defense than Russia and as much as China," said Donald Tusk, the EU president on Tuesday

. He parried Trump's criticism that the United States is not a best friend and allies. then to Europe. According to Tusk, money should not be confused with solidarity. He reminded the Americans that in the history of NATO, Article 5 of the treaty was invoked only once – the attack on an ally being understood as an attack against all the allies – and this, after the 9/11 attacks.

"European soldiers fought side by side with American soldiers, 870 European men and women sacrificed their lives," said Tusk

. Putin

After Trump's visit to Brussels, British Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth visit the program. On Monday there will be a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki.

Although US policy and the US security services are convinced that the Russians have tried to influence the presidential election, Trump said before his departure in Brussels that the meeting with Putin could to be the easiest of all are.

The message of EU President Tusk: "It is important to know who your strategic friend is and who your strategic enemy is."

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