Tilburg comes after a hot pink Monday [FOTO’S]


TILBURG – The pink Monday, traditionally the busiest day at the Tilburg Fair, attracted many visitors this time. The center was filled with revelers all day. This also caused a lot of pressure on the different sprinklers and water points for them to cool a bit in the heat. The party in and around the cafes continued until the night.

Our photographer was also in this tropical edition of Roze Maandag and captured the festive atmosphere. You can see the photo report here

21:30: It's getting a little cool, but the fun continues on the Hill.

18:45: The extra mobs of Pink Monday mean gold deals for sellers around the fair, one might think. But nothing is less true for a balloon seller, Paul Post discovered. "There are no kids right now, so I sell very little, there are few men who buy something here."

18:15: Meanwhile, the crowds on the Stadshuisstraat are so big. Only when someone a spell, someone is allowed again.

6:15 pm: Also the journalist of Brabant Brabant Paul Post, sometimes with a wink, reports the pink Monday. He dives into the medical corner of the fair. "We are a lot busier than normal," says a rescuer. "People are suffering from blisters or insect bites, but there are also people who have become sick because of the heat, here they can refuel." A little further, and it is also fixed, the GGD. Edward, staff member: "We try to vaccinate as many men as possible against hepatitis B. It's quieter than the other years, but it's probably due to the heat .

6:00 pm: Also on the Piusplein it is full and visitors hang out with their "legs out". and walk over the heads.

Full tank on the Piusplein in Tilburg (photo: Tom van den Oetelaar)

5:45 pm: "It surprises me every year," says a woman from Rijen. "But this edition was very beautiful." And visitors to his neighborhood are in agreement with that. Some even correct it with their mobile.

5:00 pm: 300,000 people are expected on the Monday of the roses and they could be there one day, because that is: print pressure on the pink Monday. You can see the proof on our Facebook page.

16.48 o'clock : Some people would like to show that they are always loyal to their partner.

15.28. A smart girl, um draggueen is prepared for her future and has a fan. It's hot in Tilburg

15.09 hours Special condoms are distributed to draw attention to protected sex.

2:45 pm : It is slowly starting to get busy, it is "hot" in terms of atmosphere and temperature. The party for homosexuals also attracts many non-homosexuals, according to the journalist on the spot. Many terraces are already full. "Always comfortable, Pink Monday," said some Belgians. "The atmosphere makes it really special."

14.05 Hours:

14.00 hours: Mayor Weterings spies about tolerance. With a performance on the Piusplein, singer Berget Lewis gives the kick off a hot and hot pink Monday around two o'clock.

12.22 o'clock: Plans for today? "See and be seen." Something that she does well, because everywhere there are people who take pictures of "ladies" in a black dress similar to a tutu with a pink jacket and huge wigs.

Drag queens on Roze Maandag

12.20 pm: Everything goes from drag queens to sm-acts. Because 'that's what' is a board member of the Pink Monday Foundation. Pink Monday will be officially open at Piusplein.

12,16 hours: There is pink everywhere. Abba's Dancing Queen is coming out of the speakers. Roze Maandag started in 1990 as a small party for the acceptance of homosexuals and lesbians and was organized by the Gay Krant. The fairgrounds Monday was still a quiet day, reason to choose the first day of the week. A boy looks at a sm-act. "This leather seems very warm to me."

12:15 pm: People can be photographed with a full-size cover of Gay Formatorisch Dagblad. It's a playful action with a deep voice, according to the initiators. The name refers to the Reformatorisch Dagblad, which contained a brochure from the action group "Family in Danger". He was protested against "modest" posters of SuitSupply that show two men kissing each other.

12.10 hours: Despite the heat, the municipality of Tilburg awaits 300,000 visitors on a pink Monday. "Perhaps even more, it's great to be out now," according to a spokesperson

12.00: Pink Monday started at noon with a parade from Tilburg Central Station in the center, which involved about three hundred people. Several drag queens, transvestites and people dressed in pink walked with the procession, with a pink balloon or a rainbow flag in their hands. "I started with dirt at eight o'clock this morning," according to one of the drag queens. "I got up at half-past five to get ready," said another.

11.30 am: The National Heat Plan is in effect on Monday. To prevent visitors from drying out, additional water points have been installed at different locations. People have to bring a bottle themselves.

Date Added: Monday 23 July 2018 – 12:05
Modified: Tuesday 24 July 2018 – 8h30
Author: Malini Witlox

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