Tim Cook: Bloomberg Should Remove Item On Supermicro-hack – Computers – News


Apple CEO Tim Cook said in an interview with Buzzfeed that Bloomberg should pull out a recent article that says the Chinese government has placed small chips on Supermicro motherboards filed with Apple.

The editors write that they had a telephone conversation with Cook, in which he stated about the Bloomberg article: "Their story about Apple is not true, they must make the right decision and remove it. " He added that since the beginning, he was involved in communication about the article. "I personally spoke with our former lawyer, Bruce Sewell, to Bloomberg's editors, and we made it very clear that this did not happen." We answered all their questions. that they have come down to us, the story was changed every time we conducted an investigation that yielded no results. "

Cook claims that during these investigations , emails were searched, along with financial data, data center records and delivery data. Bloomberg's editors would never have provided solid evidence, but only "with vague second-hand stories." The press agency told Buzzfeed in a comment that the article was the result of more than a year of work and more than a hundred interviews. Seventeen sources reportedly confirmed the information. "We remain behind our history and trust our reports and sources," said a spokesman.

Bloomberg published the article two weeks ago. He said the Chinese government had placed spy chips on the Supermicro server motherboards, which later found themselves in the data centers of large companies such as Amazon and Apple. In this way, it would have been possible to create a backdoor giving access to the networks of these servers. Apple and Amazon have soon published many negations. The United States and the United Kingdom, among others, have not questioned these negations.

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