Toornstra apologizes quickly to Ajax: "It was hard"


Jens Toornstra apologized to Frenkie de Jong on Sunday afternoon in Ajax-Feyenoord (3-0). After a few minutes, the midfielder of the Rotterdam team is fighting on the legs of his opponent. The lot gave Toornstra a yellow card.

"We wanted to show a healthy aggression, I immediately apologized to Frenkie, I was too late, I can imagine that it looked hard, but I do not have it. I have not consciously kicked out, "said Toornstra afterwards, in conversation with of Volkskrant.

Shortly after the wild offense of the right leg, Jerry St. Just also passed the letter. He immediately turned red. "You propose a plan that can go to the trash after six minutes.From this moment, we had to stop and the race was already stopped.

After ten days of play, the gap with the leader, the PSV, had already reached ten points.The title of champion is already lost sight of. "

To read: Feyenoorders research De Jong:" Certainly, especially at the beginning, a lot "[19659006]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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