Topless women angry at "dictators" in Paris Abroad


The women shouted, "Welcome the war criminals!", With a garland of flowers in their hair, bare breasts and fists in the air, and their chests read as follows: "False craftsmen of peace, real dictators "There will be a ceremony at the Arc de Triomphe in Paris where more than 70 heads of state and government will be present. "We have come here to protest against the arrival of heads of state who have damaged peace, most of whom are dictators who do not respect human rights in their country," Lara said. Lacroix, 24 years old.

"They come to celebrate peace by preaching war", we heard without mentioning names. The police took the three women after a few minutes.


On Saturday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron have already commemorated the victims of the war that ended a hundred years ago. This is what happened at Compiegne, where the armistice was concluded in a train compartment in 1918.

This was the first time since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany that a Chancellor of the French President was meeting at this location, she said Saturday night in Paris C & # 39; was a "symbolic gesture" "In this sense, this day it's not just a memory, but also an encouragement. "

Macron and Merkel discover two commemorative stone plaques near Compiegne, highlighting the importance of the French German reconciliation at the service of Europe and peace.

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