Tour 2018: Two in a row for Dylan Groenewegen in Amiens


Dylan Groenewegen won the Tour de France for the second time in a row at the French Fourteenth of July. The LottoNL-Jumbo sprinter waited patiently in the streets of Amiens to sprint and only happened in the last meters of the competition wheel. André Greipel found himself in second place in his wheel, Fernando Gaviria finished third. Greipel and Gaviria were downgraded after the race after coming into contact with each other at the full finals. The yellow jersey of Greg Van Avermaet was not in danger

The eighth milestone of 181.5 kilometers that started at Dreux knew that it was difficult to start. The pace was so low that Marcus Burghardt involuntarily got 30 seconds ahead of the pack! Peter Sagan's German teammate did not intend to attack, so he put his bike on his side, waited a moment and greeted his colleagues a few moments later with applause.

Ten Dam and Minnaard in Attack
The flight of the day happened only after 23 kilometers. Laurens ten Dam opened the debate and surrounded himself with his compatriot Marco Minnaard and French Fabien Grellier. At the foot of the Côte de Pacy-sur-Eure after 35 kilometers, the leading group already had a lead of 3 "30." Minnaard then takes the only mountain point, his first this Tour. Dam received a signal from the follow-up car that he had to give up – and he did.

Minnaard and Grellier stayed ahead and increased their lead to a maximum The Frenchman arrived after 35 kilometers at the top of the second climb of the day – the Côte de Feuquerolles, with which the climb was made.Frellier also preceded his Dutch compatriot in the intermediate sprint after 86, 5 kilometers into the mini-town of La Neuve-Grange, after which the green bearer of Arnaud Démare Peter Sagan and Fernando Gaviria hit.

Falling with Martin
In the peloton, the pace was gradually increased and the head of the breakaway continued to decline. While the big group saw the duo, there were cases in the pack 17 kilometers from the finish. Among others Dan Martin, Julian Alaphilippe, the mountain king Toms Skujins and Christophe Laporte were involved. Steven Kruijswijk, Bauke Mollema, Warren Barguil and Jakob Fuglsang have also fallen behind.

Kruijswijk, Mollema, Barguil and Fuglsang quickly return to the peloton, Martin and Laporte have sour grapes: Martin will eventually lose 1 "and Laporte sees his chances of sprinting to go up in smoke. He did not see any good in ten kilometers and fell back into the peloton Three kilometers later, Grellier was also devoured, but the Frenchman was declared the most combative driver of Fourteen July.

Groenewegen awaits a chance
Sky drove forward Chris Froome and Geraint Thomas over the last three kilometers and was assisted by Dimension Data (Mark Cavendish) and Groupama-FDJ (Arnaud Démare). The Notre-Dame of Amiens is in sight and the pace is pushed a little further. Philippe Gilbert tried to throw the sprint teams in the eyes by driving a few meters forward, but they were not distracted.

Peter Sagan took the sprint from a distance, while Dylan Groenewegen patiently waited for his chance behind the fierce duel André Greipel and Fernando Gaviria. When the Dutch saw the finish he continued, passed Greipel and Gaviria clockwise and was allowed to cheer for the second day in a row. Yesterday he was also the best of the long 7th stage in Chartres. The yellow jersey remained on the shoulders of Greg Van Avermaet

Gaviria and Greipel were put in the results of the day thereafter. The two sprinters came into contact during the final, Greipel touched Gaviria for the first time and handed the Colombian's head to the German.

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