Traffic Organization: "Employers Must Do More Against Mobile Calls" Now


More than a quarter of companies encourage employees with a leased car to only call hands-free or do not use the phone while driving. However, not all companies have such a policy and, moreover, some employers expect staff to respond to emails and applications while driving.

One in three employees think his boss expects him to always answer a phone call for half an hour, even if they are on the road. This is clear from a survey conducted among a thousand leasing drivers by the Dutch Road Safety Association (VVN) and the Association of Netherlands Leasing Companies. automobile (VNA).

Currently, 28% of employers take action. They do this, for example, by installing a car kit or providing information on the dangers of telephoning while driving

Instructions or Applications

Approximately 52% of leased lease drivers have instructions to use the smartphone drive kilometers of business. To prevent people from using the smartphone while driving, some companies have installed an app that makes it impossible to traffic mobile phones in the car.

There is still a long way to go, according to VVN and VNA. They think that it is mainly in the business mentality that drivers find it normal to respond to their smartphone while driving.

Social Norm

One-third of drivers find it difficult to ignore their smartphone, the researchers write. In addition, it seems that in the 35% of companies, it is normal to respond within 30 minutes to a message from a colleague.

"As far as I'm concerned, we need to move quickly to a new social standard for distraction in the environment." Renate Hemerik, Director of VNA

"In more than 10% of cases, employers find it normal for employees to read and write messages while driving," says VVN's director, Alphons. Bat "There is still a world to be won, the simplest solution is to simply turn off the smartphone during traffic or put it in the back of the car."

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