Truckers drag old boss to judge


Former employees of the discredited carrier Dikken of Nieuwleusen bring their former employer to justice. Several truckers were in need because Dikken let them work through a German contract.

The problems arose when the tax authorities imposed an additional tax because there were too few social insurance contributions in the Netherlands. That's what Cindy Onvlee from the FNV union says. "The story begins to get more crazy."

Onvlee reported to Nieuwleusen this afternoon to ask for clarification on the course of events surrounding the transport company.

As RTV Oost before reported that the transport operator had sent his staff for three weeks on vacation, after which he canceled his business. In addition, he imposed a duty of silence on the truckers.

The unions are furious and plan to go to court. Notably because the carrier has not informed the UWV benefit organization in advance, as required by law.

German Construction
It seems that several drivers worked for a longer period via a German construction. "When I applied, I asked why that had happened, but Dennis did not go in that direction," said an ex-pilot in front of RTV Oost. "The only thing he's repeated over and over was that it was not a problem and that everything would be fine."

In January of this year, German contracts were converted into Dutch, says the driver. "Our salary has remained the same We can not really guess why we received German contracts."

Additional tax
The driver suddenly received an additional tax from the Dutch tax authorities this spring : "I do not know the exact amount yet, but" FNV

Emergency meeting
The FNV is conducting urgent consultations with the current staff of Dikken next Saturday, but time, former employees have reported. it concerns 18 people, and the problem of German contracts is discussed, according to FNV spokesman, Onvlee, the intention being to regroup as much as possible in the hallway of the court.

The entrepreneur Dikken wants RTV Oost He did not want to talk about it, but earlier he said that he wanted to leave his company because he wanted more time for his life private.

"No Accident"

Onvlee, driver of the FNV plaa she now comments: "This is happening precisely at a time when ex-employees are starting a legal action against him, while the German tax authorities also seem to have it in sight. I suspect that one is not separate from the other. "

Onvlee asked the carrier for clarification on the course of events this afternoon." When I pointed out to him that this could not happen outside of the UWV, he said, "These are your words. "This then becomes a matter of the judge."

Beer Well
President Henri Gulickx of the Transport Belangen Vereniging says that during his long career in the transport world, he Never knew a business so bizarre: "We now know that pension contributions have not been paid.This is a big cesspool."

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