Trump and Macron agree after a collision over the increased contribution of Europe to NATO


Before the visit, the heads of state seemed to be heading towards a clash. Macron said in an interview that Europe should protect itself against China, Russia and the United States. On Twitter, Trump called the suggestion "very insulting". "Maybe Europe should first pay a fair share of NATO, which the United States is funding to a large extent," he said.

Macron talked about cybersecurity in the interview. In this context, he said that Europe should protect itself against China, Russia and "even the United States". Later, he spoke about a European defense policy. He noted that Europe should better protect itself, "without being dependent solely on the United States".

In addition to defense policy, Trump and Macron also discuss other issues today, such as relations with Iran, the wars in Syria and Yemen, and climate change. For example, at their first meeting at the NATO summit in Brussels last year, the handshake was firm. Macron later stated that it was "the moment of truth", where he wanted to show that he was not willing to make concessions. This year, relationships flourished when Macron was the first foreign leader to make a state visit to Trump.

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