Trump appoints Brett Kavanaugh (53) as Chief Justice


US President Donald Trump has appointed Conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. Kavanaugh is to succeed Chief Justice Anthony Kennedy, who has announced his retirement at the end of June.

Kavanaugh, a 53-year-old judge at the Federal Court of Appeal in Washington and former employee of former President George W. Bush, is well-placed with the United States. legal-conservative establishment. His appointment to the Supreme Court of Nine must be approved by the US Senate

Read also: How can the new Supreme Court judge be conservative?

Trump unveiled his choice in the Supreme Court, his second nomination to the highest court of his young presidency, at the time [du Premier ministre] with a speech at the White House at 9 am on the US East Coast .

Conservative Majority

With Kavanaugh's choice promises to make the US Supreme Court more conservative. Kennedy was a moderate judge with a position in the middle of the nine-headed court, between four progressive judges and four conservatives. He helped the progressive wing of the court to a majority at crucial moments.

With the appointment of Kavanaugh, when it is approved, the Conservatives get a 5-4 majority. This can have serious consequences for US justice in areas such as gun ownership, gay rights and abortion. Progressives fear the right to abortion, nationally recognized since the revolutionary cause Roe v. Wade 1973, by a conservative Supreme Court will be limited or reversed.

Never before has the choice of a supreme judge before the Supreme Court been revealed with so much fanfare and tension. Trump took the appointment, one of the most important tasks of a US president, as a host of a reality show. Until the last moment, no one revealed who his candidate was.

Four names were exchanged – in addition to Kavanaugh, federal judges Thomas Hardiman, Raymond Kethledge and Amy Coney Barrett. Especially since the latter was well under the Christian-conservative constituency of Trump, partly because of his opposition to abortion.

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