Trump arrived in Belgium for the NATO Summit Abroad


The US president is expected Wednesday at NATO headquarters, where CEO Jens Stoltenberg welcomes the leaders of the 29 member states at 1:15 pm. The summit ended more than a day later.

Trump set the tone for the plane. It has been asked on Twitter if Member States that have spent too few years in defense will reimburse the United States for their protection. Later, he also made the link between trade and defense, which other diplomats, diplomats say, are anxiously trying to avoid.

"Do not Work"

"The European Union makes it impossible for our farmers, workers and businesses to do in Europe (the US has a trade deficit of $ 151 billion)," tweeted Trump. "And yet, they want us to happily defend them across NATO and pay nicely for that. It just does not work. "

Last year in May, Trump was already in Brussels, then in favor of a NATO summit.He once described the Belgian capital as a" hell ". [19659003] United Kingdom next stop

The next destination is the United Kingdom, where he meets Prime Minister Theresa May and Queen Elizabeth, and goes to his golf course in Scotland on weekends. is a highly discussed meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Helsinki

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