Trump "expects little" high with Putin | NOW


Trump made this statement in an interview with the American CBS News which was released on Sunday.

In a joint press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May, Trump said Friday that Russian interference with the US elections in 2016 is on the agenda for his meeting with Putin. It is also expected that the situation in Syria will also be discussed.

After the NATO summit, Trump was questioned about how he would bring possible Russian interference to Putin. "Of course, I will start again," he said at the press conference. "The only thing I can do is ask if he's done it and say that he should not do it anymore."


German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas told Trump not to sign any unilateral agreement with Russia that would entail costs for Western allies in the United States.

"We have always said that we need a dialogue with Russia, so it is good that Washington and Moscow are talking to each other, it would be a step forward if this meeting also gave impetus to nuclear disarmament, but who insults his partners may lose.The expenses of our own partners are also harmful to the United States, "said Maas to the newspaper Bild am Sonntag


During his golf tour in his station Scottish in Turnberry, Trump was confronted with a flying protester. A 55-year-old man managed to get Trump "a few hundred meters" with a motorized parachute, paragliding was stopped, police reported in Scotland

The US president confirmed Sunday Mail Sunday [19459005thatheisapplyingforasecondtermthatisatstakeinthe2020elections"Itseemslikeeveryonewantsmetodothat'HedoesnotexpectseriouscompetitionfromDemocrats

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