Trump has yet to leave for the NATO summit and he is …


Even before arriving at the NATO summit in Brussels, US President Donald Trump on Twitter has already been referred to the member countries of the treaty organization. According to him, they do not spend enough on defense, and he has long wanted the different member states to contribute more.

"The United States spends a lot more on NATO than any other country, and it is neither fair nor acceptable, even though these countries have increased their contributions since I was sworn, they have to do a lot more, Germany is 1%, the US is 4%, NATO is a better thing for Europe than for the United States. " said Trump in several tweets. "According to some reports, the United States is paying 90% of NATO, with many countries that are not even close to their 2% commitment."

At the 2014 NATO Summit in Wales, Member States committed to increasing defense spending from here 2024 up to 2 percent of GDP. Belgium is one of the worst students in the class with 0.90% of GDP in defense spending in 2017, according to preliminary figures from NATO

"In addition, the Union European has a trade surplus of $ 151 million with the United States, with major trade barriers on US products NO! ", According to the US President.

At a special NATO meeting in Brussels last year, US President Donald Trump had already put pressure on allies who had not reached the 2% mark. He also asked again in the week before the summit that the different member states are paying their share. Trump has sent letters to a dozen NATO countries, including Belgium, that do not spend enough on defense.

On Wednesday and Thursday, the heads of state and government of the 29 NATO countries meet at the new headquarters in Brussels. One of the topics of discussion will be the "fair sharing of burdens" between Member States.

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