Trump: it looks like everyone wants me to be eligible again in 2020


President Trump plans to run for the 2020 US elections. "It seems like everyone wants me to do that," he said in an interview with the British newspaper Mail Sunday. He also said that he did not expect serious competition from Democrats who, he said, did not have good candidates. "I know them all and I do not see anyone."

In the interview, Trump also announced that he had spoken to the British Queen Elizabeth about Brexit. "She said badly – and she's right – that it's a very complex problem, I do not think anyone knew how complex it would be … Everyone thought, oh that's simple, we stay or we go out. He added that he was impressed to say nothing about his conversation with the head of the British state

Trump wanted to clarify how beautiful Queen Elizabeth was. "She is an incredible woman, she is so strong, and when I say nicely, I mean inside and out." According to Trump, his encounter with the queen was very special


The interview of Mail on Sunday and ITV, which broadcasts the conversation tomorrow, is not the first interview given by Trump during his visit to the United Kingdom. British media. Earlier, he told The Sun newspaper that British Prime Minister May threw out the chance of a favorable brexit. Although audio recordings were published of this interview, he denied May's criticism later.

Also in the new interview he talked about his contacts with Prime Minister May. He said that he had advised May to negotiate with the EU that the UK could sign a trade deal with the United States after Brexit. He also reiterated that the brexit had been voted because of immigration and that Europe was deeply affected negatively by immigration.

Kim Kim Jong-a is loud and funny & # 39;

Also for North Korean leader Kim Jong-A had Trump in the interview praising. "I can hear him well, he is very intelligent, he has a great personality, he is funny and strong, he is a good negotiator." When asked if he thought Kim was a ruthless dictator, he responded in the affirmative. "He is unscrupulous, but they are also of others."

Asked whether Putin is also unscrupulous, Trump said he could not say it. "I guess that's probably the case, but I can still name a few." On Monday, the President of the United States and President Putin meet in Helsinki.

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