Trump makes the right decision as to the expansion of the world of NATO


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization appears to have been saved for the moment. Even though US President Donald Trump is still fighting around the arm. He wants to stop the military exercises of the [RapidActionForces in the Baltic States and temporarily suspend the eventual accession of Georgia. Admittedly, the latter is not a reckless decision because the expansion of NATO to the East is perceived by Moscow as a direct threat.

Not an inch

When the Soviet Union imploded in the early 1990s, the former US Secretary of State James Baker promised the president of the Soviet Union Michael Gorbachev that NATO would not go in the direction of the east. 'Not an inch to the East ', it seemed. In return, Germany could be reunited and even become a member of NATO.


Yesterday Stoltenberg had intensive talks with Georgian President Giorgi Magvelasjvili about membership.

Nevertheless, in 1999, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland joined the Treaty Organization. Romania and Bulgaria followed in 2004. Many observers warned at the time that Russia would consider this a direct provocation, although at that time Russia had neither the military nor the military power. nor the economic power to respond to this threat. The West could easily use this geostrategic weakness, and that's what it did.

But in 2008, accession negotiations began with, among others, Ukraine and Georgia, both of which are directly bordering Russia. Initially, German Chancellor Angela Merkel was on the brakes. South Ossetia and Abkhazia

do not want to import instability after the so-called color revolutions in both countries.

South Ossetia and Abkhazia

Georgia and Russia are experiencing armed conflict between the Georgian regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. . In both regions, there is a considerable number of Russians who rebelled against Tbilisi's central authority. The Georgian president Micheil Saakashvili intervened militarily, which was the perfect opportunity for Moscow to show its teeth. Since then, both regions have been colored on many world maps as semi-autonomous areas, although no European Member State recognizes their independence. The Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders (MR) was in Moscow and Tbilisi last week to emphasize his support for Georgia in this affair.


Because, in addition to NATO, the Union had in mind an expansion to the East, Ukraine also opted for the Russian ax in 2014. Until Then, the European Union was still an acceptable interlocutor for Russia. Because Brussels wanted to conclude an association agreement with Ukraine, the European Union lost its virginity in the eyes of Moscow. Russia has not only annexed Crimea, but continues to provide significant military support to Russian rebels in the eastern Donbass region. The only question is whether Russia should be considered as the offensive player in this area. Not Russia, but the European Union and NATO have started sailing more and more in Russian waters over the last thirty years.

Not only does Russia consider Ukraine as the cradle of its own culture, but geostrategically Ukraine is also of immense importance to Moscow. Anyone who owns Ukraine is also in control of Russia's portal. This is why Moscow believes that its safety is increasingly compromised. A cat in the corner makes strange leaps, Russian reactions to the expansion of NATO are not


In early January, the former Secretary General of the NATO calls Jaap de Hoop-Scheffer the Dutch program Nieuwsuur the striking concession that the organization underestimated how Russia would respond to this wave of war. eastern expansion. According to the Hoop-Scheffer, the Russian President Vladimir Putin considers Georgia and Ukraine as the only area in which only Russia can exert exclusive influence.

But the current Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg does not like it. Yesterday, Stoltenberg had intensive talks with Georgian President Giorgi Magvelasjvili about membership. Tbilisi is already providing support as an external partner of the NATO Alliance in Afghanistan. Georgia becomes a member of NATO. It is an important partner because of its location on the Black Sea, "said Stoltenberg with determination.

Donald Trump

But Trump thinks otherwise .As NATO makes decisions solely on the based on unanimity, the US President can perfectly delay membership as long as it is in the saddle.The question is, of course, to know what effect this has on countries like Georgia and the United States. Ukraine For ten years, they had the prospect of hearing NATO in the foreseeable future.This would provide a credible counterweight to the Russian threat to both countries.

Delen [19659021] The US President's decision is a wise choice to prevent a further escalation and not put the current arms race in the foreground

In addition, a lack of support can lead Russia to give free rein its territorial ambitions, it remains to be seen whether Russia has nvahi the Ukraine if the country had not abandoned its nuclear weapons in 1994. In the Moldovan region of Transnistria also, the Russian influence is increasing. Moscow is by no means living up to its test.

Nevertheless, the US President's decision is a wise choice to prevent further escalation and not put the current arms race in the foreground. That the US President suspends Georgia's accession to this reasoning is highly questionable. Last year, Washington decided to provide both offensive and defensive weapons to Ukraine.

Therefore, these Trump decisions should also be considered in the context of the summit with Putin from next Monday. Then, the American president sits down with his Russian counterpart. The fact that he is ready to end the military exercises and temporarily suspend Georgia's membership can be considered a serious concession in Moscow.

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