Trump pleads for suspension of NFL players kneeling in national anthem


Trump's remark comes one day after the NFL directors and union union of this league reported that they were looking for a solution to the problems of playing the national anthem [19659002]. the NFL announced that league teams could face a penalty if their players kneel or sit during the national anthem. The NFL wanted to end the debate on players on their knees and bring attention to the game.

The players' union then announced an appeal against these new rules.


More and more predominantly black American football players have been kneeling in recent seasons during the national anthem. They did so to protest against police violence against black Americans. Later, he also became a protest against President Trump, who regularly organized "disrespectful" football players.

The kneeling protest was initiated in 2016 by San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and continued last season. It eventually led to a national debate in the United States on the right to protest.

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