Trump says he can "regret" the appointment of Fed Chairman Now


US President Donald Trump returns again to the president of the American system of central banks, Jerome Powell. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, he says that it seems that Powel is very happy to raise interest rates.

"Whenever we do something big, it arouses interest," said the business man. When asked if he regrets Powell's appointment, Trump answers "maybe," although he finds it too early to say it.

After years encouraging the US economy with low interest rates, the Federal Reserve is building recovery policy now. This year, the highest interest rate has already been raised three times and it is likely that this increase will increase by the end of the year. Parmen and the other directors of the Fed are trying to prevent the overheating of the economy.

But Trump sees economic growth as the benchmark for his performance and calls the growth numbers "his numbers". According to the US business newspaper, his quest for increased growth would match that of his predecessor, Barack Obama.

Independence of Central Banks

According to economists, central banks must operate independently of the government. Otherwise, it is tempting for a government to stimulate the economy with low interest rates, for example to win votes

But in practice, this is sometimes difficult because a central bank president is also appointed by the same government. Paul Volcker, chairman of the Federal Reserve in the 1980s, recently said that he was secretly under considerable pressure from former President Ronald Reagan so as not to raise the level of interest before the elections

Richard Nixon, president of the United States from 1969 to 1974, during his appointment, the central bank is under pressure to keep interest rates at a low level.

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