Trump threatens former CIA and FBI leaders to seize status | Overseas


John Brennan was director of the CIA when Barack Obama was president. He recently sharply criticized Donald Trump when, in a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he denied that Russia had interfered with the US elections. "Nothing less than a traitor," said Brennan. And: "Everything is in Putin's pocket."

See also:

Perplexity of "weak" Trump: "Putin in Putin's pocket"

"Accusing the president of disloyal behavior, if you the highest level of permission, and if you have the deepest and most important secrets of the country in your hands, the President is very worried about it, "said White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders

James Comey, the former director Trump's FBI is in the group of six, as are James Clapper, Michael Hayden, Andrew McCabe and Susan Rice, a former White House adviser to the intelligence services.

  Comey (right) was returned by Trump

[659008] Comey (right) was fired by Trump


It is not certain that the former directors of the intelligence services are actually punished. Blanche "studies this option," says Sanders. The mechanist asked him if Trump had sanctioned the ex-intelligence officers with sanctions, Sanders replied, "No, I think you're creating your own story now."

See also:

Trump dismiss the head of the FBI Comey

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