Tuition fees in the first academic year over 1000 euros


New students at universities of applied sciences and universities will pay half of the tuition fees for the next academic year. The Senate yesterday approved this proposal which should make higher education more accessible.

The discount of more than 1000 euros applies in the first year of studies. For students who start a teacher training, it is even two years of study. For example, the Cabinet hopes to attract more young people to the profession of lecturer.

The House of Representatives was already in agreement with the plan, despite strong criticism from the State Council that the money that the measure will cost they would study.

Minister Ingrid van Engelshoven welcomes the support of the Senate. "The students are really happy with that, so if you go to college, tuition is pretty much the first bill, and that really makes the difference when there are over 2,000 euros, or the 1 000 euros that we have now. 19659005] Reply to this message? Mail to [email protected].

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