Two prisoners on US death row commit suicide


  Two prisoners on the US death row commit suicide

Andrew Urdiales (left) and Virendra Govin (right)

Photo: AP

Two men sentenced to death for murder in the United States already spent the weekend cape themselves end their lives. The prison authorities in California announced this Monday. An autopsy still needs to be performed

One of them is Andrew Urdiales, a 54-year-old serial killer, who was found unconscious in his cell in San Quentin on Friday night. Emergency services were no longer able to resuscitate the man. The former soldier was sentenced to death last October for the murder of five women between 1986 and 1995.

On Sunday, 51-year-old Virendra Govin was found dead in her cell. He was sentenced to death in 2004 for the murder of four members of the same family in the Los Angeles area. According to the authorities, there is no connection between the two cases.

On death row in California, approximately 740 prisoners are currently awaiting execution. In the past, there were already those who ended their lives.

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