"Unauthorized persons" can enter the classroom in case of emergency


The huge shortage of teachers means that schools have more space to place unauthorized people in front of the class. This concerns people who do not have a teaching diploma, but who have specialized knowledge

. They concern the following subjects: music, theater, manual work, art and world orientation (geography). For example, Minister Arie Slob (Education) mentions a guitar teacher who can teach music lessons. No exceptions are made for common core courses, such as language or arithmetic. These courses can only be taught by qualified teachers.

No amendments to the law

The law will not be amended, but the inspection of education will not occur at the moment if there are unauthorized persons in the classrooms. The statement on behavior is the only requirement of unofficial teachers.

The Ministry of Education points out that there is not a structural solution to the shortage of teachers, but only a temporary solution. This is often not ideal in the long run, the minister admits. But according to him, it makes no sense to designate the schools standing against the wall. "It will not help if we just say in The Hague what is not allowed."


"If the Inspectorate receives signals indicating that quality or safety are seriously at stake, a survey will be opened." Student and teacher safety and quality of education are guaranteed, "according to the ministry.

The General Union of Education (AOB) reacts with annoyance to this "guide" of The Hague. "I find it really incomprehensible," says the president, Liesbeth Verheggen, in Trouw . "We are quite willing to work on the knees, but this is no longer a cure.The government must take structural measures.This is simply not education! "

She fears that in this way many more structurally unauthorized people are going to school than the minister would have wanted.

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