Universal Music believes that the winning Eurovision Song is Plagiarism NOW


The director of the Israeli Netta says Haaretz that no legal claim has yet been filed, but that a letter has been received on this subject. The singer-songwriter Doron Medalie did not want to react to the newspaper because of the legal nature of the case

The similarities would be in the rhythm of the two songs, not in the melody or lyrics.

If it's really plagiarism, In theory, Netta could still be disqualified. Entrances to the Eurovision Song Contest must always be original songs. The organizer of the Eurovision Song Contest, the EBU has not yet responded.

The Eurovision Song Contest takes place every year in the country that won the previous year. In this case, it would be Israel. If Netta is disqualified, the match will take place in Cyprus: Eleni Foureira will become second with Fuego . The Netherlands sent Waylon to the Song Contest. The singer became Outlaw in eighteenth century .

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