Van der Vaart puts immediately behind career | Football


The 35-year-old left leg had already decided that it would act from his last professional football season, but until now, this year still young was mainly focused on re-education, the form and then recurrent injuries. This leads him to say that he is not sufficiently able to contribute to the performance of his team. The decision is difficult for him, but stopping is the right decision for him, he said.

Warm feelings

Until the last moment, he exercised the profession of footballer. "I just have to stop now, I'm not here to rehabilitate myself, but to play football.The fun will be different and that's what I want to be.I wanted to become a grandfather of football, but unfortunately This is not the case at this time, I can only be grateful for all the years I have been allowed to play football.All players, staff members and fans, the 'Arena, Volksparkstadion, White Hart Lane at Bernabeu, I just have warm feelings about it.It was a good time.'

  Rafael van der Vaart as a Tottenham Hotspur player, speaker before Alexander Song of Arsenal can intervene.

Rafael van der Vaart as a player of Tottenham Hotspur, preparing before Alexander Song of Arsenal could not intervene


'Never dare to dream'

Van der Vaart remembers a fine career that took shape 25 years ago when he was admitted to Ajax at age ten. the youth. In retrospect, he said: "I have won awards and played in championships, both with my clubs, the Dutch national team and individually. Over all these years, I've won prizes and played in championships, both with my clubs, the Dutch national team and individually. I have been able to play football with and against so many great players in the most beautiful stadiums In the past, I have never dared to dream of that. "

  Rafael van der Vaart debuted at the time. Ajax in 2000.

Rafael van der Vaart debuted in the year 2000.

Dutch Height

The Heemskerker came after Ajax (where he was debuts in professional football) for Hamburger SV, Real Madrid, Tottenham Hotspur, again HSV, Real Betis, FC Midtjylland and Esbjerg fB. With Ajax, the midfielder was twice national champion.

Five final tournaments with the Dutch team

Van der Vaart debuted at the age of 18 with the Dutch national team led by Louis van Gaal, for which he would reach finally 109 international matches. Recently, Van der Vaart and Dirk Kuyt were thanked and honored during the match of the League of Nations between the Netherlands and Germany. With the Dutch national team, he competed in three European championships (2004, 2008 and 2012) and two world championships (2006 and 2010). After the failure of Giovanni van Bronckhorst, Van der Vaart ended the lost final of the World Cup against Spain as captain in 2010.

  Rafael van der Vaart can not help but Andres Iniesta to decide the 2010 World Cup final.

Rafael van der Vaart can not stop Andres Iniesta from deciding on the 2010 World Cup final.

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