Van Gerwen at ease in Grand Slam darts playoff | Now


Tuesday, Michael van Gerwen played with ease for the playoff stages of the Grand Slam Darts. Joe Murnan won the group's closing match with 5-1.

Van Gerwen did not even have to train so much, he had on average 97.33 points for three arrows (against 79, 85) enough to shoot the longest end.

De Vlijmenaar also had to win to secure a place in the round of 16 because on Sunday he was surprised to lose the second 5-4 group match against Jonny Clayton. Van Gerwen kicked off at the penultimate tournament ahead of next month's World Cup in London leaving Gary Robson 5-1 out.

Harms also reaches the playoff phase

Next Van Gerwen also reaches Wesley Harms the playoff phase. Noord-Hollander won the closing 5-4 group match against Keegan Brown.

Harms and Brown made it a real show. They both had a high average of 103 and together, ten points at 180, a record for a Grand Slam or Darts group stage match

. after which he himself placed the necessary break with his third arrow of competition.

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