VDL helps Siemens Hengelo


Siemens Hengelo is no longer threatened with closure. VDL, Willem van der Leegte's multibillion group in Eindhoven, has signed an "agreement of intent" with Siemens for the takeover of Twente's subsidiary, which manufactures gas turbines and compressors.

The success of the operation still depends on a book study that should take several months. If the result is positive, at least 400 of the 470 jobs will be retained. At Siemens Hengelo, Friday was applauded when the staff was informed of the plans.

The employment guarantees are possible thanks to long-term agreements that VDL has concluded with Siemens and ASML. Some of the staff will continue to produce and assemble for the former German parent company, while other employees will work in a VDL production line that provides the ASML. The Eindhoven family business also says it hopes that the remaining 70 Siemens Hengelo employees will be transferred to other VDL business units. The amount that VDL pays for the Siemens plant has not been announced.

Burgomaster Schelberg (VVD) of the municipality of Hengelo is relieved


Siemens announced in November that it wished to close the Hengelo branch as part of a major reorganization that would cost 6,900 jobs worldwide. According to the German industry, the intervention concerned the oil and gas market: there is less and less demand for fossil fuels. Siemens has therefore stated that it wants to focus more on sustainable energy and want to get rid of the production of parts for power plants.

The employees felt that the planned closure of Siemens Hengelo was unfair. Read also: "We are small, where they suppress capacity for large institutions"

Lack of understanding among employees about the planned closure was great last year. Siemens Hengelo makes profits, works flexibly and efficiently and is properly involved in missions, according to staff. Hengelo's branch had always done everything the multinational wanted in the eyes of the employees.

According to estimates, at the closure of Siemens Hengelo in the Twente area, 1,800 additional jobs would be lost among suppliers

Mission completed

Mayor Sander Schelberg (VVD) of the municipality of Hengelo is relieved . He has put a lot of pressure to prevent job losses. "Mission accomplished," he says in a reaction

The company committees, unions and competition authorities still have to agree with the recovery. The unions seem positive. Hans Korver, director of the Union: "My first impression is good, but I still want to know what is the obligation of the VDL effort for the group of 70 people."

VDL has a reputation in business savings. For example, with a turnover of more than 5 billion euros in 2012, the group bought the company Nedcar based in Limburg, while the owner Mitsubishi wanted to close the company in difficulty with 1,500 employees. Now there are 6,500 people and Born's factory produces four models for the BMW automaker

Read also column: Nedcar goldmine for the savior VDL

Four years after the resumption of Nedcar , VDL stiffened the Dutch branch Finnish Metallurgical Company Componenta. Componenta had just gone bankrupt for both foundries in Limburg. Some of the 300 employees joined VDL.

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