Video: Bioware shows 20 minutes of play of the anthem


EA and Bioware have posted a twenty-minute video in which Anthem can be seen in all its glory. Ben Irving, chief designer of the game, takes us on a digital tour.

In Anthem, you are one of the freelancers to make the world a little safer with the Javelin. What is immediately clear is that Anthem has its own identity in terms of works of art and as a game borrowed from a number of great games of the moment. And talked about smouting; Facial animations are still of a high standard, but I think the story of Mass Effect: Andromeda has not yet been forgotten. So first see, then believe. The pictures look amazing. It is clear that we will see the latest generation of games and that the machines will be fully utilized.

Personally, I can not wait to have the game in my hands. Online or offline, I'm crazy.

Anthem should be released in 2019.

Game Information

      packshot not available
    Xbox One
    Release Date:
    Electronic Arts


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