Video Snack: Documentary about Famke Louise


From November 4, Videoland launches a documentary about vlogger and rapper Famke Louise. The first images are quite intense.

Videoland promised an "intimate look at his eventful life" and we knew it. Famke Louise reads dry messages about herself in the caravan. And not the comfortable messages, but the messages "Famke Louise, suicide". Then she gets some beers while she's fucking and she has tears in her eyes while she tells nasty things in her life – and all that with dramatic music underneath.

Deleting Vlogs

Last week, the vlogger who recently participated in Expedition Robinson also made headlines because she deleted all her vlog videos from YouTube. "I just watched all these videos of myself and I do not understand why nobody took me out of this fucking video camera, so I decided to delete all my fucking videos," she said. she said on Instagram. I hope she can serve this documentary without shame.

The documentary was shown at Videoland on November 4 in Tuschinski.

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