Vindicat Culture Research takes longer than expected Groningen –


The committee in charge of cultural change within Vindicat needs more time. Vindicat therefore has one more month to change the culture within the association.

An accreditation committee must determine whether the culture within the student association has changed enough.

Hanzehogeschool and Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (University of Groningen) decided last September to suspend the Vindicat management grant for this school year. This in response to a series of incidents. For example, a number of members of the student association misbehaved in a sushi restaurant in Groningen last year

Strict Terms

Only an organization meeting a number of conditions Strictly will receive money from educational institutions. Vindicat must have a code of conduct and record incidents

More than 33,000 euros were paid annually to Vindicat

After the summer

The committee decided to rule on August 15, but has decided in agreement with Vindicat to reach a judgment in September.

"It will be up during the summer," RUG spokesman Jorien Bakker said. "The procedure is taking longer than expected and in this way the committee can involve the new Vindicat office."

Bakker adds that it is the first time that a Dutch university conducts such research in a student association. "We want to do it carefully."


It is unclear what are the consequences for Vindicat if they do not receive accreditation. This may mean that the association is definitely excluded from the financial support.

The money is intended to financially support the board members. They often experience academic delays as a result of an administrative year and, in some way, are remunerated with the scholarship.

Vindicat's counsel was not yet available for comment.

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