VVD and D66 want citizens to manage the & # 39; digital safe & # 39; with personal data – IT Pro – News


So, if I understand correctly, you want to have a "clean / open" system that the government must adhere to in addition to the government system. Is there not an XKSD of ;)

That's fine, but I think it's necessary to first create a political party, win elections (preferably a majority room), make laws, win provincial states (and so win the first room), then proceed to law enforcement and Kees is done

This is not for you to do laugh, VERY certainly not but that's how it works in a democracy.

Incidentally, I see neither how this government should trust the data of you that you are who you say you are and all the data that goes with it and is correct.

Would not it be faster / cheaper to adopt the eIDAS standard for authentication, all possess a smart card with which we authenticate at level 4 (top) and via links that transit through the website www.da2020.nl and the Digital Government Act which highlights the data.

And the dissemination of your data to the online store, insurers etc etc, look at the project iDensys.
You can also use iDIN for this, but in some situations this is not enough (level 3, substantial), and why do you want 2 means that 1 (eIDAS) is also sufficient.

Example of & # 39; I can show you this way (it already works this system)
Steker still there is a whole country that already has it, look, they can do it on 2 actions (if my memory does not have it). is not in the Let go) do everything with the government.
They can see who is looking at the data of what task / law. If you do not agree, for example you see an offense because you only have 2 people authorized in an organization and a third person has arisen on the overview, you file a complaint. Incidentally, I do not want to convince you but just give you a glimpse that everything will be fine.
Everyone trust this and be satisfied, well, I do not think so.

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