VVD wants a "restart of the job" for the unemployed over 45


The VVD wants to help the long-term unemployed aged 45 and over with a "restart". This is a three-year contract, completed by training. In the first year, the employee must accept a lower salary (80%), but the latter will continue to reach full salary in the following years.

MP Wiersma today submits this proposal to the debate on the budget of the Ministry of Social Affairs. It receives support from the older workers' union ANBO

Although unemployment among people aged 45 and over is falling rapidly, according to Statistics Netherlands, 134,000 people without work are still in this group. And it takes them relatively long before finding a new job, usually a temporary contract.

The threshold for employers is quite high

To get out of this vicious circle, the government must reach agreements with unions and employers on temporary jobs. Multi-year contracts, according to the VVD

Wiersma: "The knowledge and know-how of older people are very important, but for employers, the threshold is sometimes quite high, because someone is for a long time on the sidelines , to immediately offer this permanent job. " 19659002] According to the VVD, a three-year contract with a lower starting salary may lower this threshold. Ultimately, Wiersma hopes the new job will be converted into a permanent position.

Also for heavy professions

He says he wants to break the debate on fixed and flexible work. "This is not a flex, it is not fixed, but the middle ground for employees and employers."

The VVD and the ANBO believe that the restart is not only a solution for older job seekers, but also for people in arduous jobs. profession or future prospect unwilling to stay at work.

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