VVV-Venlo takes ten points with FC Emmen | Now


VVV-Venlo scored a point at FC Emmen on Friday: 1-1. The surprising number five Eredivisie played more than seventy minutes with one less player on De Oude Meerdijk.

Peniel Mlapa gave the advantage to VVV after a quarter-hour, but soon after, Roel Janssen received a red card for a strong offensive against Alexander Bannink.

FC Emmen tied with Stef Gronsveld in the 65th minute but Drenten did not enter.

The VVV remains fifth with 15 points, although AZ, Vitesse, Excelsior and FC Utrecht can play this weekend. the points are equal to the Limburgers. FC Emmen is fifteenth with nine points.

Mlapa scores for the second consecutive week in his first goal

FC Emmen wanted revenge for the painful 6-0 loss to PSV, the league's leader, but Dick Lukkien's team quickly caught up with VVV.

Mlapa scored in the fifteenth minute from a Ralf Seuntjes center, still headed by Patrick Joosten. The 27-year-old German also scored the first goal in the 2-0 home win at ADO Den Haag.

Only three minutes later, the festivities of Limburg were over. Left-back Janssen, after the video referee's intervention, was awarded a red card by referee Rob Dieperink for the dangerous game against Bannink, who was violently hit in the fork and could not go further.

The VVV coach, Maurice Steijn, was immediately seized after the red card. This Eredivisie season has trained defender Chris Kum's forward Joosten.

Despite this, the ten men of the visitors were pushed back in the rest of the first period. The best chance was for Jafar Arias, but the FC Emmen striker was heading for the bar.

Gronsveld lost first place of the season

Even after the break, he stopped mainly for VVV. Substitute Reuven Niemeijer thought he would score in the 52nd minute, but midfield player Emmen was rightly dismissed for offside.

More than ten minutes later, the deserved equalizer was still respected. Gronsveld, who was in the starting line for the first time this season, received a fine pass from Glenn Bijl after a long attack and the right-back shot the ball into the far corner of goalkeeper Lars Unnerstall.

Emmen finished in the last 25 minutes Looking for the first home win of the season, but Caner Cavlan just passed the post and Arias headed for a center from Anco Jansen.

See the results, program and position of the Eredivisie

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