Warp Load the new name of OnePlus fast charging technology?


OnePlus has technology that allows you to quickly charge the battery of OnePlus smartphones. This technique called Dash Charge but unfortunately OnePlus could not register this name in Europe because it was too similar to Bragi – The Dash. According to rumors, Warp Charge becomes the new name

Give a name to the animal

The OnePlus fast loading technique has been known for years as the Dash Charge. This technology was introduced on the OnePlus 3 and ensures that your smartphone can last a day with 30 minutes of charge. Several vendors have such a technique with which they actually hide the defects of the battery.

When OnePlus started using its presence in Europe, they did not register the name Dash Charge. This is because there was already a product on the market with exactly the same name. These are the wireless ear plugs of Bragi Technologies. These are called The Dash, they are two different products, but OnePlus could not use that name. That's why we have not heard the name "Dash Charge" yet at the launch of OnePlus. Also on the site it is no longer mentioned at OnePlus 6.

So there had to be a new name that appeals to the imagination. Many hours of brainstorming will be devoted to it, but it would seem that a new name has been found. According to a request to the Trademark Office of the European Union, the name will be WarpCharge. The request was made by OnePlus and falls into the category data cables, adapters and batteries.

 Warp "src =" https://cdn3.androidworld.nl/1533c55c49/media/thumbnails/9c/d0/9cd0cac215d48a7aa2ca94b51536cf27. png "style =" display: block; left margin: car; margin-right: auto; "title =" Warp "/> </p>
<p>  There was even a technology logo that explains the speed, the name Warp comes from StarTrek, of course, Warp is an indication of the speed with which a spaceship </p>
<h2>  Availability </h2>
<p>  When this name is about to change, not much will change, the technique is and remains the same and we will probably see the name and logo appear on the OnePlus 6T packaging. [19659004] Source: XDA </p>
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